Our Expertise

Services include:

  • Script Coverage: Our team of industry vetted writers will complete thorough coverage on a given script. Coverage includes synopsis formulation, our ideas of what the logline is and should be, and, most importantly, our thoughts on what is and is not working on a story level within the piece. We can also recommend story suggestions for an additional fee. Our primary genres are Horror, Comedy, Western and Crime Dramas. We feel comfortable giving coverage in all genres, but these genres are where we most excel.

  • Producing Services. Our team can help you bring your film to life in the development and pre production process. We are well versed in the film permitting application process, acquiring film insurance and applying for COIs, developing location agreements and appearance releases. We can help at all stages of production, but think of us primarily as Unit Production Managers for hire. We can complete all of the logistical time consuming producing tasks so you do not have to.

  • Pitch Deck Construction: We are able to construct compelling story presentations and pitching documents from whatever materials you have readily available, whether it be a script, a trailer, or even just a detailed concept. We are writers first at this company and our skill set often lends itself to that art first and foremost. Additionally, our team is well versed in all manner of generative AI services and can not only weave comprehensive narrative through lines into a presentation, but can package it alongside truly astonishing artwork.

  • All of our rates are negotiable depending on the project, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us.