
Syracuse, NY BASED Film Production Company.

EST. 2023

Founded in 2023 by the writers Cody Young and Chris White, Tombstone Productions is a full service film production company, specializing in script development, pitch deck construction, and the filming of sizzle reels. Our production company, since its founding has always been devoted to the art of pulpy stories. Our hearts are drawn to the terrors of nightmares, captivated by gritty working class realities, and perpetually fond of the world that lies in forgotten cornfields, sparsely populated rust belt cities, and the stretches of tar snaked pavement once known to some as Badstreet USA. Our stories are not indie walk and talks, our characters don’t smoke cigarettes, drink coffee and think about the metaphysical nature of the self. Tombstone is here to thrill you, to send shivers down your spine, but most of all, to keep you so entertained you don’t even realize when you’ve hit the bottom of your popcorn bucket. And so dear reader, if our little manifesto has not managed to alienate, we encourage you to keep perusing, to wander through this website and see what we’re working on as part of our slate and to find yourself captivated by the nightmares we’re dreaming.